How can I transfer my web site Files to your server Print

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To transfer your web site files to our server, take these steps:

1) Ensuring Your Files
Make sure that you have your web site files (HTML, GIF, JPEG, etc.) on your computer. If you are transferring from another web host, make sure that you have downloaded the most recent version of those files to your computer.
If you have purchased Linux package remember, your file names are CaSe sEnSiTive

2) Using either an FTP program (such as CuteFTP, WS_FTP, Fetch, etc.), or your web design program (Dreamweaver, FrontPage, etc.),

Linux Server users: Upload your files to the /www directory of your domain on our server (you can upload using the domain name, user name and password syntax provided in your Welcome Letter). Make certain that your homepage is called index.html. There is more information on uploading your site files in the FTP section of the Knowledgebase, as well as in the FrontPage section. Remove existing index.htm or index.html files on server which shows "Under Construction"

Windows Server users: You will be able to see folder, upload your files there. You can remove existing index.html file.

If you are not having FTP application you can use File Manage option to upload - which is available in your control panel.

3) Thats it! Your site is now online, and immediately accessible by your domain name.
If you registered your domain name through us, then you do not need to worry about the domain name registration; we will take care of it for you. Please allow 24 hours from when you signed up for the domain name to complete propogating throughout the Internet, after which it should start displaying in browsers.

If you did not register your domain name through us, then you will need to make sure that you or the domain name owner points the domain name to our name servers.

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